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What is bookmap & how does it work?

Trading using Bookmap offers traders the benefits of DOM, Footprint, and Volume Profile charts without the drawbacks. Looks fantastic, doesn’t it? This is how Bookmap presents data on market volume and liquidity. When opposed to utilizing other types of charts, Bookmap enables traders to quickly and easily find information about the market.

How bookmap displays information about market liquidity and volume?

Here is how Bookmap displays information about market liquidity and volume. In order for any transaction to take place, there must be liquidity. Without limit orders, there are no traders to take the other side of market orders. So the first thing we need to display in a chart is the best bid and ask over time. Best bid ask shown on Bookmap chart

Does bookmap provide historical information?

In most trading platforms, this information is provided by the DOM. But as we said earlier, the DOM doesn’t provide historical information. Bookmap solves this problem by providing a heatmap, which adds another dimension to the chart by recording DOM information and displaying it on the chart over time.

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